Friday, December 14, 2018

Toothache: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

Toothache: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

What is a toothache?
Toothache is a common problem of teeth, which is felt in the affected teeth. Some people seem to be suffering from denting their head, jaw or ears. Some people feel pain like a pain in the tooth, and some people feel pain constantly. Many times the pain increases to the jaw, which also causes swelling and boils.
Usually due to rottenness and dirt in the tooth, because Portis is converted into acetic bacteria. These acids break sugar and attack the layer of teeth. After spreading decomposition on the teeth of teeth, it grows on the root of teeth. Dental affecting teeth cause pain in the teeth. Toothbrush or new tooth may also cause pain in the teeth. Apart from this, due to sinusitis (swelling of sinus in the face), there is a lot of pain in the teeth.
When a more cold or hot cheese is chewed, the teeth become sensitive due to its coldness and warmness, even then the pain starts to feel. Many times people start bleeding from teeth and gums, although this is based on the severity of the infection. If the pain is increasing, then the roots of the teeth can destroy the veins. But even after this, the decomposition in the teeth will not decrease but will continue to grow, until the dentist’s doctor does not cure it. If the pain is becoming acute or swollen around, there may be the infection in the tissues surrounding the teeth, so it should be treated immediately.
However, a good oral hygiene prevents teeth from being decayed, for other reasons, such as familial habits and lack of saliva also sometimes cause it. Saliva protects teeth from rotting because it cleanses acids and bacteria. Along with this, saliva neutralizes the attack of bacteria and acids.
Regular check-up of teeth can prevent teeth decay and teeth surgery, such as the root canal.
  1. Type of pain in the tooth –
  2. Toothache Symptoms –
  3. Due to pain in the tooth –
  4. Prevention of a toothache –
  5. Toothache Testing –
  6. Treatment of a toothache –
  7. Dieting in a toothache –
  8. What should I eat in pain in a tooth?

Type of pain in the tooth –

How many types of toothache are there?
It is important to understand the type of pain in the tooth for evaluation and diagnosis by dental experts, the pain which the patient is experiencing. It also shows the root cause of the pain, on which basis the dentist provides medical facilities to the patient.
  1. Fast and intermittent pain and sensitivity: Under this, sensitivity by eating cold or hot things, aging or excessive brush wear, tooth decay, tooth decay or cavity is responsible Are there.
  2. Old pain in dentin: If one or more of the teeth is suffering from severe pain in advance, it can be a bad case of nerves. The main reason for the destruction of neuralgia can be problems like the grinding of teeth, solidification of a rigid layer of tooth decay.
  3. Painful or unsteady pain: this pain occurs with the swelling of the face and jaw, often due to this, the signs of infection in the teeth or abscesses also appear.
  4. Accounts or pain while chewing: If there is a pain in the teeth during eating or chewing food, then the cause of the teeth can be decomposition or fracture.
  5. Pain in the back jaw: The cause of pain in the jaw behind the teeth can be affected by the wisdom of the teeth. Apart from this, both the teeth rubbing (grinding) and TMD (TMD / Temporomandibular disorder) can both be seen in jaw pain. This pain can spread even to the bone of the face.
The extent of the intensity of a toothache is pegged according to the sensitivity of the affected tooth and the level of its pain. Paused-to-back pain sometimes worsens more, while a long-running pain can force the patient to get treatment as soon as possible.

Symptoms of a toothache –

What are the symptoms of a toothache?
A toothache or jaw pain is both common types of problems. The stimulation (reaction) caused by the consumption of hot or cold things only increases the form of pain. Even after the excitation ends, there is a pain in the teeth for some time. Pain may be more severe as well as inflammation increases in place of pain. Its pain and swelling spread to the cheeks, ears, and jaws.
Apart from this, there are some other signs and symptoms that may require more care, such as –
  1. Pain During Some Chewing
  2. Sensitivity over cold and hot things
  3. The grip between the teeth and the gums, being weak and bleeding
  4. Swelling of the teeth or around the jaw
  5. Injury or trauma at the place of the tooth
Many times they are linked to signs and symptoms, tooth decay, fracture or gum disease. Grafted around the tooth or redness in the teeth, usually, these are the root causes of pain. If you press the infected teeth or try to move it, then in this situation the pain becomes more intense.
What are the causes of a toothache?
The causes of a toothache include the following:
  1. Weakness in the outer layer of the dentist: the consumption of more acidic food, brushing with rigidness, broken teeth in the teeth causes the layer of teeth to become weak. Dentin (part of the inside of the tooth) starts to appear outside the layer, which is very sensitive and gets excited when it feels cold and warm and starts to feel pain.
  2. Infection or abscess: Due to abscesses in the gums or around the tooth or spread of infection can also lead to dental pain.
  3. Akal molar: The back teeth are called Akal moth. When the pressure in the gums increases, the pain results in it.
  4. The sensitivity of teeth: By eating too much hot or cold, teeth become sensitive, causing pain.
  5. Grinding of teeth: Teeth to grind teeth / chewing teeth, fracture occurs in the teeth, causing pain. Apart from this, the tooth becomes small and there is a change in the process of cutting and chewing them.
  6. Dental Sealants: Dental Sealants are used to fill fractures, pit and other scratches in the teeth. In which the weak parts of the scalp are saved by covering. When this layer is destroyed, the weak parts of the teeth begin to appear out. After which these weakened parts begin to come in contact with temperature, food particles and bacteria, and become vulnerable to pain.
  7. Gonorrhea Disease: Mild pain in the mouth, redness of the gums, bleeding from the gums, and pain in the teeth several times, all of these are counted in the characteristics of gum disease. Swelling of the jaw and gums, it also comes in its normal causes. If not treated, the affected teeth, gums, and jawbone can also be damaged. Apart from this, surgery may also be required to eliminate infection with the mouth.
  8. Fracture in the teeth: There may be several reasons for crack or crack in the teeth, such as by falling, by throwing something, throwing a hard thing during sports and trying to cut it with teeth. If there is a persistent pain in fractured teeth, it means that the fracture has made its way from the tooth to the nerves. Due to which there is unbearable pain.
  9. Improper brush and flossing: While brushing and flossing, very few people pay attention to the pressure and keep brushing teeth on the teeth with improper pressure. For this reason, inflammation, bleeding, and other problems start to develop in the gums. If brushing with this pressure is done daily, then due to this the gums will start retreating and there will be a pain in the tooth.
  10. Infected or absorbed teeth: Due to abscess or infection in the teeth, teeth become decayed or they become damaged.

Toothache Protection

How to avoid pain in a tooth?
Most of the people who take care of teeth regularly can avoid dental problems and other serious problems. The dentist’s telephone number should always be maintained so that they can be asked for help in an emergency.
The following tips are important for preventing pain in the tooth –
  1. Keep your dentures clean: Dentist always advises people to keep their dentures clean even if their own adult teeth have been delayed and they are wearing artificial teeth. Cleaning of a denture prevents new diseases in teeth.
  2. Wear a dental guard when needed: Wear a dental guard or headgear during sports or similar activities. Doing so can prevent injury or injury to teeth.
  3. Removal of food particles from teeth: Use a better process to remove the particles of food trapped in your teeth after eating. After eating, clean the gums with the teeth with the teeth and keep them healthy. Use soft brushes and fluoride toothpaste for teeth. Do teeth daily floss (tooth cleaning) Water jets can also be used to remove trapped food particles, but if the teeth are cleaned carefully with floss, it can work better than water jets. Rinse every day with antiseptic mouthwash to get rid of the bacteria growing in the mouth.
  4. Fluoride to prevent tooth decay: Fluoride is considered to be very effective in preventing cavity in the teeth of children especially. Fluoride is a natural ingredient that is found especially in many types of vegetables and water supply. Check your tap water if it is fluoride or not and if not, talk to the doctor. If your water is not fluoride then your doctor can write fluoride tablets and other supplements for children younger than 10 years.
  5. Eat a healthy diet: Bacteria grow in sugar and starch substances and with the help of these substances, they succeed in making a hole in the tooth layer. Always keep account of what you are eating and whether it will stick to your teeth if yes, then eat such food carefully. Brush regularly after meals
  6. Check-up from the dentist regularly: Make your teeth cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist at least twice a year. Doing so keeps the defense against tooth decay and other gums related diseases. In every 3 to 5 years, teeth should be taken X-ray, which can be monitored for the problem site.
  7. Do not smoke: Smoking is very harmful to teeth, it makes the condition of teeth worse.

Toothache Testing –

How is the diagnosis of a toothache?
  • General information about a toothache can be properly diagnosed with medicines and physical examinations taken earlier.
  • Several times the radiograph (a special picture taken by X-Ray) is used for its diagnosis, along with other techniques. Panoramic radiographs and photos of cone beam computed tomography assess the teeth and bones inside the entire mouth.
  • Sometimes ECG tracings of the heart can help the doctor while testing the patient in the lab. Because if the problem is anything other than the problem of teeth and gums, then doctors can prescribe medicines prescribed on the problem. If the situation is serious then the doctor can admit him to the hospital to take care of the patient. The patient can also be referred to the dentist for good treatment.

Treatment of a toothache –

How is the treatment of a toothache?
As long as the patient can not reach the dentist, by following these rules, the control of the pain in the tooth can be kept.
  1. Use Dental Floss to remove particles from food trapped between teeth.
  2. Rinse the salt in warm lukewarm water.
  3. Some pills can be taken to relieve acute pain, including acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen.
  4. Clove oil can be applied with the help of a piece of cotton. Applying it brings relief to pain.
  5. Pain can be reduced even by the proper convenience of lying (lying down), keeping your head high on the bed after laying on the bed can reduce the pain and pressure of the tooth.
If you see some of the symptoms below, show the Dentist as soon as possible –
  1. If you feel pain on opening mouth
  2. If the pain in the tooth has become one, two or more times.
  3. If there is a severe and unbearable pain in the tooth.
  4. Due to the pain of the tooth, if there is a pain in the ear or fever climbs.
In order to stop the spread of pain in the other parts of the face and the scalp and even blood flow, it is important to know the timely treatment of tooth infections and treat it.
Medical treatment for a toothache –
In most cases, the pain of tooth and jaw becomes a problem, which is done only by the dentist.
In some cases, doctors can try to inject the pain in the tooth area to control the pain. If the pain is accompanied by swelling on the gums or in the face, then the doctor can give some antibiotics to the patient.
  1. If needed, the dentist can examine the patient’s teeth by dragging, shaking and other procedures. If there are milk teeth, then the dentist generally removes the tooth. In the case of permanent (permanent) tooth, the dentist normally uses Root Canal Therapy (clearing the canal and blood vessels and closing the canal in the roots) and the Crown process. (Read more about Stress)
  2. If pain with jaw has swelling and fever, then the dentist can give some antibiotics to the patient.
  3. If the cause of pain in the dent is different from the teeth or jaw, then according to the situation, it is assessed.
Follow-up after treatment of a toothache
After the treatment of a toothache in the hospital, continue to take care of teeth to keep them healthy. Follow the appointments quickly and regularly with the dentist. This can be easily rid of problems related to teeth.

Dieting in a toothache –

What should be avoided during a toothache?
Patients in tooth pain should try to avoid the following things –
  1. Do not place aspirin or other pen-killer drugs directly into your gums. Medicines such as aspirin can burn gums or those chemical substances contained in those medicines can damage the gingival tissues.
  2. Do not let the affected areas come in contact with hot things directly.
  3. Limit sweet food or leave during treatment. Because sweet food serves food for Bactria. From this the bacteria become active and attack the weak areas of the teeth, causing pain.
  4. Give medicines as recommended by the doctors to the children.
  5. Do not rush to take pen killer until the dentist determines the severity of a toothache.
What should you eat in pain in a tooth? –
What should you eat during your toothache?
A toothache is enough to spoil your whole day. According to the pain in a tooth, it should always be remembered that they do not eat things that cause damage to the teeth and due to which the sensitivity of the teeth arises. Avoid eating foods that require more chewing, besides soft things can be consumed.
Some better foods used during a toothache –
  1. Boiled potato: This is one of the best food items for the pain in the tooth. It is called best food, it does not take too much time to cook. Apart from this, you can eat it full of heart, it fills the stomach quickly and does not require much effort to digest the body. Crushed potatoes are ideal for weak teeth.
  2. Soup: During the pain of a tooth, you can consume some soup; there are many vegetables whose soup is a great option during a toothache, besides any of the soup of chicken and fish soup etc. should be consumed. Could. All these teeth are one of the best ingredients to be consumed during the pain. However, they should be consumed only when they are cold.
  3. Sandwich: Sandwich is also considered to be very good for eating in a toothache. The sandwich made of bread without soft and crust may be better for those who have a toothache. In the soft bread sandwich, you can add eggs and cheese slices, peanut butter (peanut butter) etc.
  4. Cottage cheese: This can be the best way to get rid of appetite during a toothache. Cottage cheese is considered a wonderful combo in itself. To chew it, teeth do not have to work harder. Cottage cheese can be a better way to eliminate appetite during a toothache.
  5. Spaghetti: This is a type of macaroni. Taking it during a toothache also helps to realize hunger without taking too much trouble.
  6. Ice cream: Ice cream during pain can be a great option for delicious food. It does not even need to chew the ice cream, in such a way it can be eaten comfortably during the pain. It is believed that the ice cream relieves the pain for some time from the pain.
  7. Yogurt: Yogurt does not need to chew, and it is also a perfect diet in itself. Eating yogurt in a toothache can be great. Mixing yogurt and the above-mentioned potato potatoes can also be prepared with good and delicious food.

Fast and intermittent pain and sensitivity:

Under this, sensitivity by eating cold or hot things, aging or excessive brush wear, tooth decay, tooth decay or cavity is responsible Are there.

Old pain in dentin:

If one or more of the teeth is suffering from severe pain in advance, it can be a bad case of nerves. The main reason for the destruction of neuralgia can be problems like the grinding of teeth, solidification of a rigid layer of tooth decay.

Painful or unsteady pain:

This pain occurs with the swelling of the face and jaw, often due to this, the signs of infection in the teeth or abscesses also appear

Original Post:

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Mouth Ulcers: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

 Mouth Ulcers: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

Mouth Ulcers

The blisters in the mouth are mostly inside the cheeks. Mouth barks are also called the Canker sores in therapeutic language.
These blisters can be painful, which are found in the tongue, lips, cheeks or throat. These are classified into three types:
  1. Small ulcers
  2. Large ulcers
  3. Herpetiform ulcers
If fever comes along with ulcers or if the blisters are more than three weeks or they cause problems in swallowing the food then consult the doctor immediately.
There are many reasons for having blisters in the mouth, including mouth injuries, eating pungent food, vitamin deficiency, hormonal activity, stress or “autoimmune disorders: diseases caused by the immune system disorders” Are there.
There is no need for treatment of excessive mouth ulcers, it gets cured automatically. To get relief from pain and to recover quickly you can take some treatment and home remedies, including out-of-the-counter medication, mouthwash, and over-the-counter medicines (without prescription medication).
People who have frequent bruises should be tested by the doctor so that the problem can be properly examined.
  1. Types of mouth ulcers
  2. Symptoms of mouth ulcers
  3. Due to mouth ulcers
  4. Prevention of mouth ulcers
  5. Diagnosis of mouth ulcers
  6. Treatment of mouth ulcers
  7. Avoiding mouth ulcers
  8. What should eat in the mouth ulcer?
  9. Home remedies for mouth ulcers

Types of mouth ulcers

The blisters of the mouth are not infectious and are classified into three types:
  1. Small ulcer –
Their size ranges from 3 to 10 millimeters and it is a very common kind of bark. It gets cured within 10 to 14 days and there are no signs of it. (Read more – Measures to erase wounds)
  1. Large ulcers –
The blisters are bigger than small ulcers and have grapes, they are more than 10 millimeters in width. These barks take a few weeks to a few months to recover and they leave the scars after they recover.
  1. Herpetiform ulcer –
A group of many small ulcers is called herpetiform. The size of these barks is very low (2-3 millimeters), but at one time such a hundred buds may also be assembled. It gets cured without leaving the mark.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers

What are the symptoms of having blisters in the mouth?
The blisters of the mouth often turn on the surface of the tongue, the cheeks inside, the gums, the lip inside or on the soft back of the palate. Some symptoms of mouth ulcers are as follows:
  1. Feeling irritation, tingling, pricking 24 hours before the blister grows.
  2. The blister is white, gray or yellow, it has a red border.
  3. Most of the barks are painful.
  4. There is difficulty in speaking and chewing and swallowing.
In addition to the aforementioned symptoms, there are some symptoms of mouth ulceration which are less visible, but these occurring indicate a serious timer. The symptoms are as follows:
  1. Fever
  2. The swollen lymph gland, which is called lymph nodes in English
  3. Lose
  4. Losing weight
  5. Fungal infections in the mouth or throat (Read more: Infection Treatment)
When to show the doctor?
Contact your doctor or dentist immediately in the following cases. if:
  1. The blisters have already grown
  2. The spread of blisters
  3. Blisters for more than three weeks
  4. Even after taking a painkiller, pain in the bark
  5. The problem of drinking water due to the bark
  6. There is also a fever with having blisters

Causes of mouth ulcers

Why is acne in the mouth?
The reason for the mouth ulceration is not known, although researchers believe that many factors add up to cause blisters. Barks in the mouth may be due to these reasons –
During the dental work, small scratches, excessive brushing, injuries during play, accidentally cutting cheeks
  1. Using toothpaste or mouthwash containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
  2. Food sensitivity (effect), especially against chocolate, coffee, strawberries, egg, nuts, cheese, and sharp food.
  3. Vitamin B12, Zinc, Folic Acid or Ironless Food.
  4. Allergic reaction of bacteria found in the mouth.
  5. Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which also cause ulcers in the stomach.
  6. Hormones change during menstruation.
  7. Emotional stress.
It is just a common problem to have ulcers in the mouth, but in very few cases it can be due to some diseases, such as –
Celiac disease, a serious atrial disorder, is associated with the sensitivity of gluten (Gluten: protein to be found in many kinds of cereal).
  1. Infections in the bowel such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  2. Behcet’s disease, a rare disorder that is burning throughout the body with the mouth.
  3. The faulty immune system that attacks the healthy cell of the mouth, rather than viruses or bacteria.
  4. HIV / AIDS, which suppresses the system of the immune system.
The mouth ulcers are not caused by herpes virus infection. This is a misconception.

Prevention of mouth ulcers

How to prevent blisters in the mouth?
However, there is no cure for mouth ulcers and it happens again, but their occurrence can be reduced. The following ways are prominent –
  1. Avoid eating such foods which harm your mouth like spicy food.
  2. Chew gum chewing, because it also increases the chance of mouth ulcers.
  3. Clean the tooth with a soft hairbrush daily and after eating, remove the food trapped between the teeth from the flossing toothbrush. It will reduce the chances of getting bloated.
  4. Keep your mouth in mind, and try not to cause any kind of injury or scratches.

Diagnosis of mouth ulcers

How is the diagnosis of mouth ulcers?
No special examination is needed for mouth ulcers, your doctor or dentist will recognize them at the time of inspection of the mouth.
In some cases, it may be necessary to find out other health-related problems, especially if the barks are growing or occurring frequently. In such a case, a blood test or a mouth biopsy may be required, or when the doctor feels that you may have any of the following problems –
  • Viral Infection
  • Lack of vitamins or mineral
  • Hormonal disorder (Hormonal disorder)
  • Any disturbances in the immune system
  • The severe spread of ulcers
The cancer wound also looks like a blister of the mouth, but it is not cured without treatment. Some symptoms of oral cancer are similar to those of mouth ulcers, such as painful ulcers and swelling in the throat. But, oral cancer is identified by its special symptoms, such as –
  1. Stomach with mouth or gums
  2. Gradient of teeth
  3. Having trouble swallowing food
  4. Pain in the ear
If you also see all these symptoms with mouth ulcers, then contact your doctor as soon as possible so that the possibility of oral cancer (oral cancer) can be ruled out.

Treatment of mouth ulcers

The cure for mouth ulcers
If the blisters of the mouth are small, then most of the treatment is not needed, it can recover in a week or two weeks. But large and repeatedly painful ulcers need medical care. There are many treatment options, among which are the major ones:
  1. Drug Mouth Wash –
If your condition is serious then the doctor will ask you to rinse a medicated mouthwash several times a day. This drug has less pain and irritation.
  1. The order of mouth ulcers and other medicines –
There are many pastes, cream, gel or liquid that can help in getting relief and recovering from the blisters. Their effect is most effective when they are applied immediately after blistering. Consult your doctor to find out what is the right medicine for you.
  1. Tablet or tablet and other oral medication –
Oral medication is needed when mouth ulcers are very serious and creams etc. have no effect on them. Some of these are low –
  1. Some medicines which are not explicitly made for the treatment of mouth ulcers, such as stomach ulcer or drug of gout.
  2. When stubborn stools become so serious that they are not cured of other drugs, steroid medication is used. Steroids can have serious side effects of medicines, so they are used at the end when there is no other option left.
    4. Nutrient Supplements –
If you take the necessary quantitative ingredients in a small amount then your doctor will ask you to take nutritional supplements, such as folate (folic acid or vitamin B9), vitamin B6, vitamin B12 or zinc.

Avoiding mouth ulcers

What to eat?
  1. Do not eat foods containing acrid or salty foods, citrus or tomatoes. Eating them can cause sharp cheeses in open barks.
  2. Stay away from rough foods such as dry toast. It can also increase the trouble caused by mouth ulcers.
  3. Do not eat anything tart. Eating irritation can increase irritation in the bark.
What should eat in the mouth ulcer?
What should be eaten if you have ulcers in the mouth or blisters in the throat?
  1. Eat a soft and creamy food –
Eat soft and creamy food containing high levels of calories and proteins, such as creamy soup, cheese, curd, ice cream etc. If you are eating a little because of pain, then you should eat more calories, which will give your body enough energy.
  1. Soak your food –
If you take “Breakfast Serial” (like Corn Flex) in breakfast, then soak them in a cool, cold milk before eating them. If you are eating rice, mix it well in it so that rice becomes soft.
  1. Cut your food into small portions –
Eat meat and fish in small portions and put them in a mixer, dilute (like paste). You can also mix sauce or low-fat gravy in it.
  1. Eat cooked vegetables –
Eating raw vegetables can increase the pain of mouth ulcers.
  1. Get cold food –
Eat cool things like ice cream and cold syrup. Their coldness will cool your mouth ulcers.

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